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-------------- Activity Report ---------------------------------------
September 16, 2020 Joint session with Netherlands in international confluence IAHR-APD
In the 22nd Congress of International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering and Research of the Asia Pacific Division (IAHR-APD) held on September 15-16, 2020, we conducted a session in cooperation with the Netherlands to discuss the joint research project for climate change adaptation. The chairperson of the session is our representative, Professor Tomohito Yamada. This session includes seven presentations from the project members that led to constructive discussions.
The objective of the joint research is to focus on how we should address the sequential process from precipitation analysis to risk analysis of flood inundation with a stochastic approach using ensemble data. The results of the discussion in this session will be a stepping stone to improve the methods of risk analysis on flood management based on climate change.

- Atsushi Takeda / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
- Tsuyoshi Hoshino / Hokkaido University, Japan
- Mark Hegnauer, / Deltares, Netherlands
- Fumihiko Uemura / Docon Co.,Ltd., Japan
- Guus Rongen / HKV, Netherlands
- Sho Tomura / River Center of Hokkaido, Japan
- Tomohito Yamada / Hokkaido University, Japan
* web site
IAHR-APD program

p1 Presentation

p2 Q & A session

July 29, 2020 Climate Change Seminar in Kushiro
Climate Change Seminar was held in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan at Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau branch office to which we participated in the discussion of how to draw the effect of climate change into flood management and wetland restoration. Yamada, Yamamoto and Takeda delivered the latest topics from the view of research and practice standpoint. The next day we explored the special viewpoint of Cape Kirakotan in Kushiro Wetland. We fully recognized the weight of our role in the preservation of this wetland landscape.
p1 Discussion with participants

p2 View of wetland from Cape Kirakotan in Kushiro Wetland